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Essential Oils
Janet Houser
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In my practice, I use the most pure and therapeutic essential oils in the world--Young Living Essential Oils. A typical healing session with me includes a relaxing foot massage and foot reflexology with essential oils at the end of the treatment.

To find out more about the miracles of pure essential oils, or to find out how to order oils, contact me today! My sponsor identification number is 279-563.

Essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes and are metabolized like other nutrients.
Essential oils are powerful antioxidants, preventing all mutations, working as free radical scavengers, preventing fungus and preventing oxidation of the cells.
Essential oils have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and viruses while simultaneously restoring balance to the body.
Essential oils help to detoxify the cells and blood of the body.
Essential oils may possibly have the ability to pass the blood brain barrier, enabling them to help in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.
Essential oils help promote emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.
Essential oils have a bio-electric frequency that is several times greater than the frequency of herbs, food, and the human body. Clinical research has shown that essential oils can quickly raise the frequency of the human body restoring it to its normal, healthy level.
Essential oils are powerful in air purification.

If you would like to experience the healing effects of essential oils combined with foot massage, contact me today at (480) 592-0622 or email me at janet.houser3@yahoo.com.


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